Почему-то страница не получила всех данных, а без них она не работает.
As for the sound of European Portuguese, it seems to be different. According to the chart here, it's a near-back vowel, not a central vowel. It's an unrounded version of the English "oo" in "hook". The barred-i is often used to transcribe it because it has no standard symbol in IPA.
The Wolfram Language supports full Unicode throughout—in strings, symbols, graphics, and external operations—allowing immediate streamlined use of all standard international character sets, integrated with native text entry.
Also a number of researches and catalogs of the exhibitions and collections of the XX-th century, which are directly connected with Peter I’s iconography is given. The problems facing researchers on creation of the full arch of iconographic materials of Peter the Great are separately considered.
It's definitely more closed than Russian ы (which is relatively open and 'bright' compared to probably most of the analogues), but compares quite well to the Estonian counterpart.
– Ìíå íàäî, – îòâåòèë îí. – ß äîëæåí âñ¸ çíàòü. ß áóäó êîñìî íàâ òîì. ß ïîñìîòðåë íà íåãî âíèìàòåëüíî: ãëàçà ó íåãî áûëè ãîëóáûå è ñìåëûå. È ÿ ïîäóìàë: „Ýòîò ìàëü÷èê ñòàíåò êîñìîíàâòîì”. Òðè ìåñÿöà çàíèìàëñÿ Êíÿæèí â ôèçè÷åñêîì êðóæêå. À ïîòîì âäðóã íå ñòàë ïðèõîäèòü. Íà óðîêàõ îí ñìîòðåë â îêíî è áûë î÷åíü íåâíèìàòåëüíûé. Íî óðîêè îí ãîòîâèë õîðîøî è çàäà÷è ïî ôèçèêå ðåøàë ëó÷øå âñåõ. – Þðà, ïî÷åìó òû íå ïðèõîäèøü â êðóæîê? Âðåìåíè íåò? – ñïðî ñèë ÿ. Îí ïîäíÿë íà ìåíÿ ãëàçà. Îíè áûëè íåâåñ¸ëûå. Âå÷åðîì ÿ ïîø¸ë â êíèæíûé ìàãàçèí. Ñòîþ è ñìîòðþ êíèãè, âäðóã ñëûøó ãîëîñ Êíÿæèíà: – Åñòü ÷òî-íèáóäü íîâîå? – Ìàëü÷èê, íå ìîæåò áûòü êàæäûé äåíü ÷òî-íèáóäü íîâîå. Ïðèõîäè çàâòðà. ß ïîñìîòðåë íà Êíÿæèíà è íå ñðàçó óçíàë åãî, ïîòîìó ÷òî îí áûë â î÷- êàõ. ß ñêàçàë, ÷òî ðàä åãî âèäåòü. Îí ñíÿë î÷êè, ïîñìîòðåë íà ìåíÿ è ñêàçàë: – Âèäèòå, ó ìåíÿ òåïåðü î÷êè, à ÿ ìå÷òàë ëåòàòü ê çâ¸çäàì... – Íî ê çâ¸çäàì ìîæíî ëåòàòü è â î÷êàõ, Þðà. Áóäåøü íà êîñìè÷åñêîì Ïàìÿòíèêè íà ìîãèëó ÑÂÎ â Ìîñêâå êîðàáëå èíæåíåðîì èëè âðà÷îì.
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*I say more or less on purpose since I don't want to be categorical as there can occur minute changes probably even inaudible for most people.
On Italian keyboards, each accented variant has its own dedicated key. These accented vowels are grouped together on the right side of the keyboard.
Now, I listened to some audio files on the Russian alphabet and I came across ы. This is what lead me to pose the above question.
My advisor has told me that my past two drafts were the last one, yet he's still requesting revisions. Is this normal? What else can I do?
What peace proposals for Ukraine have been made that don’t require trusting Russia to hold up a bargain?
Why would the solar system be the technological hard limit for Earth spacefarers, even under ideal conditions?
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